Funded by the National Science 基金会, the 茎的学者 program provides social & financial support for academically promising students with financial need to thrive at BSU and pursue successful careers in STEM fields.

从2024年秋季开始,确保您在STEM领域的未来 每年最多15000美元 来掩盖你的 全额学费 (学费, fees, 书, 住房, 膳食及其他杂项费用),  Join our supportive network of peer and faculty mentors and develop life-long skills in emotional intelligence and personal resilience. These skills will help you succeed and thrive in school and give you an advantage as you search for jobs after graduation.




  • 金融支持:  Scholarships to cover tuition, fees, 书, 住房 and meals.  Additional funds for research travel, computers and childcare are available.
  • STEM俱乐部社区:  每月的社交和专业活动, with the option to live in the STEM residence hall community and takes classes with other Scholars.
  • 导师和导师:  顾问, tutors and peer mentors from STEM and TRIO that provide academic and career guidance in STEM.
  • 研究:  Opportunities for hands-on research experience in collaboration with STEM faculty.
  • 培养情商: Develop self-awareness and self-management; the ability to consider other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions; and relationship management skills designed to create healthy and effective professional relationships that will advance your STEM career!
  • STEM启动周:  A free, fun, interactive introduction to BSU with time to meet peers and faculty.  Learn how to maximize your STEM education experience while enjoying the beauty of our lakeside Northwoods campus.
  • STEM课程:  A 第一个-Year Experience (FYE) course focused on STEM fields that involves STEM faculty.

瑞安·库尔茨“Being a part of the STEM cohort gave me the opportunity to build camaraderie with other students outside of my major. The community building events gave me opportunities to explore Bemidji outside of the university, 比如从金雀花湖划独木舟到贝米季湖.”

——ryan Kurtz, 18岁
Optum Insight财务经理


We welcome all students to apply, especially those individuals who are underrepresented in STEM. New, transfer and returning students can apply for the 茎的学者 Program!


  • GPA保持在2分.5岁或以上
  • 完成 FAFSA application to determine if you are Pell-eligible and have unmet financial need.  (所有申请人必须填写FAFSA申请.)
  • 注册为至少一半时间的学生(最少). 每学期6学分,每年12学分).
  • 拥抱你.S. citizenship, permanent residency or meet refugee criteria as defined by U.S. law
  • 追求B.S. 主修以下STEM领域之一:
    • 水生生物学
    • 生物学
    • 野生动物生物学
    • 化学
    • 生物化学、细胞与分子生物学(BCMB)
    • 计算机科学
    • 计算机信息系统
    • 环境研究
    • 地理位置
    • 本地可持续发展研究
    • 政策规划
    • 数学
    • Note that pre-health, clinical and education programs are not eligible for the scholarship.

*Preference will be given to students enrolled in on-campus, face-to-face programs (not fully online programs) that have two or more years until graduation (junior status or below).


贝米吉州立大学’s 茎的学者 Program is rooted in the principles of 多样性, 股本, 包容, 正义与无障碍(DEIJA). We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment, 消除体制障碍, celebrating diverse perspectives and advocating for social justice within the STEM community. We actively recruit and support underrepresented students, providing financial support and resources to level the playing field and create a sense of belonging. Our program aims to empower students from all backgrounds to pursue STEM education and careers, 促进更加公平和创新的未来.


茎的学者 gain skills in high-demand disciplines such as biology, 化学与计算机科学, positioning them for careers essential to national interests like cybersecurity and climate change.


“There was no downside to being a member of this exceptional group. Financially, it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Graduating college with little-to-no student loan debt is exceptionally rare, and a gift that will resonate with you for the entirety of your adult life.”


STEM就业数据.S. 毕业生

中国的平均工资为9.2万美元,远高于美国.S. mean—these careers offer strong growth rates and the potential for upward social mobility. 在明尼苏达州, 3M和美敦力(MedTronic)等科技和生物技术巨头的所在地, 与stem相关的工作正在蓬勃发展, 使学者具有很高的市场价值.

These fields are not only financially rewarding but also critical to addressing today’s most pressing challenges.

Job 全国工资中位数 明尼苏达州的就业人数
软件开发人员 $109,020 33,284
计算机系统分析员 $99,270 18,856
医学科学家 $95,310 3,303
Web开发人员和数字界面设计师 $78,300 4,302
化学家和材料科学家 $79,760 2,039
信息安全分析师 $102,600 2,532
环境科学家和专家 $76,530 1,837
自然科学管理人员 $137,900 1,646
数据库管理员和架构师 $101,000 2,887
生物化学家 $120,270 787

a. National data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook 2021.
b. State data from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, 2021年就业展望预测.


应用 for this scholarship (and all available scholarships at BSU) through the 基金会 Scholarship Application.

  1. 完成 北京州立大学在线申请
  2. 通过财政援助办公室完成FAFSA. FASFA将于12月开放.
  3. 请填写 基金奖学金申请 形式 2月15日 (优先级的最后期限).  A申请截止日期为4月1日.


If you would like more information or have a question, ask

在社交媒体上与我们联系: bemidjistate_stemscholars 


Fill out this form to get more information about the 茎的学者 Program or get reminders about important application deadlines.

Major (To receive the scholarship, a student must have one of these majors declared):(必需)
Select your current major(s) or the major(s) you're interested in studying.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science 基金会 under Award No. (NSF-DUE 2321990).