
On-Campus Employment

勤工俭学职位(由州或联邦政府资助的校园就业)仅限于美国.S. citizens and permanent residents. Most positions on campus are not work study, 许多国际学生能够成功地找到一个正规的学生工资单职位.

Full Time Enrollment Status

所有持F-1或J-1签证的国际学生如果有兴趣在校园工作,必须保持他们的移民身份 and 秋季和春季学期全日制入学(夏季学期不需要入学):

  • For graduate students: 全日制注册为9个学时,或6个学时加上研究生助教奖学金.
  • For undergraduates students: Full-time enrollment is 12 semester hours.

Maximum Earnings

请注意,目前国际学生在校园里的最高工资约为每月700美元. Getting hired for an on-campus job is not guaranteed; nor are a minimum number of work hours guaranteed, once hired.

During school terms, students can work up to 20 hours a week. This includes graduate assistantships. (If you are employed in more than one on-campus location, the combined total number of hours needs to be 20 or fewer. 例如:每周在爱玛客工作10小时,在招生办公室工作10小时(不是爱玛客工作10小时,招生办公室工作15小时). 每个部门都有自己的预算,他们会决定你在他们的部门工作多少小时. 在休息期间(春季、夏季、冬季),你每周最多可以工作40个小时(所有工作加起来).

Finding a Job

This is information about working on-campus. Handshake is the primary source for finding an on-campus job. 你也可以直接向办公室或部门询问他们是否在招聘. In addition, BSU (Aramark)的餐饮服务和新葡京博彩官网书店是你可以在校园内工作的其他地方. To work for Aramark, go to the Aramark website and look for “Student Worker” positions.

Accepting a Job


Congratulations on your new job at BSU! Please carefully read the following instructions; all steps must be completed before you can begin working.

If your new job is with *Aramark* or the *BSU Bookstore你将在他们自己的就业办公室工作,而不是在BSU学生工资办公室工作. 请参阅本页面下方的不同步骤:

  1. Please email your complete current local address to international@technestng.com.
  2. You will need a U.S. social security card in order to begin work.
  3. 第一步是确保你有所有必要的文件带到当地的社会保障办公室面试,当你申请你的SS卡.

Documents required:

  • Passport
  • I-20
  • SS-5 form “Application for a Social Security Card” Please note that it’s available in a fillable form, as well. 建议你在去社会保障办公室之前完成大部分或全部的在线申请.
  • Your most recent I-94 (not a requirement, per the SS-5 form, but is recommended as “Evidence of Immigration Status”). Print your most recent I-94. 您将需要您的护照信息来检索您的I-94.
  • BSU Letter/form letter: After you’ve secured a job, obtain a blank letter (printed on BSU letterhead) from the BSU student employment office. 把这封信交给你的工作主管(他们会填写有关雇佣类型的信息), supervisor’s name, etc.) validating your hire. 然后将信送回北京外国语大学学生就业办公室最后签字. Please scan and email that document to our office international@technestng.com Or, you may bring it to our office M-F between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 一旦我们核实了你的全日制学生身份,当前本地地址等., 我们将准备您的IPC验证信,您将带着它到SS办公室(下一个要点)。.
  • IPC主任签署的IPC验证信,由我们办公室交给你. You can print this out (preferably in color; if not color, 黑色和白色是可以的)或发电子邮件或打电话给我们的办公室,并安排领取纸质副本. 这封信向党卫军办公室证实你是一名在籍人员, fully-enrolled international student.


Only after you have all of the items listed above . . .

  1. 参观位于贝米吉汉娜大道西北2900号的贝米吉社会保障办公室. (办公室靠近沃尔玛和Affinity Credit Union的主要分支机构). They are open 9am-4pm Monday-Friday. For questions, call them at 866-258-6345.
  2. 一旦你收到你的社会保障卡(在你开始工作之前需要)的邮件(这可能需要两个星期), 你需要把社会保障卡的原件和你的I-20一起带来, I-94和护照到202的学生就业办公室(收银台). Window hours are M-F, 9:30am-3pm. 这将是完成BSU学生工资单文书工作的最后一步,以便将您的学生就业信息输入BSU工资单系统.
  3. Once you receive your U.S. social security number/card, 请牢记号码:将卡保管好,不要随身携带. Read about identify theft.

Aramark or BSU Bookstore Student Workers

  1. Please email your complete current local address to international@technestng.com.
  2. 你需要去SS办公室并收到一张收据,显示你已经申请了你的美国签证.S. social security card in order to begin work.
  3. 第一步是确保你有所有必要的文件带到当地的社会保障办公室面试,当你申请你的SS卡.

Documents required:

  • Passport
  • I-20
  • SS-5 form “Application for a Social Security Card” Please note that it’s available in a fillable form, as well. 我们建议您在去办公室之前在线完成大部分或全部表格.
  • Your most recent I-94 (not a requirement, per the SS-5 form, but is recommended as “Evidence of Immigration Status”). Print your most recent I-94.
  • 请扫描并将您从爱玛客或北京州立大学书店收到的表格发送到我们的办公室 international@technestng.com Or, you may bring it to our office M-F between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 一旦我们核实了你的全日制学生身份,当前本地地址等., we will prepare your IPC verification letter.
  • IPC主任签署的IPC验证信,由我们办公室交给你. You can print this out (preferably in color; if not color, 黑色和白色是可以的)或发电子邮件或打电话给我们的办公室,并安排领取纸质副本. 这封信向党卫军办公室证实你是一名在籍人员, fully-enrolled international student.
  • 当你去社会保障办公室时,你必须携带与招聘有关的文件原件(不是复印件).

Only after you have all of the items listed above . . .

  1. 参观位于贝米吉汉娜大道西北2900号的贝米吉社会保障办公室. (办公室靠近沃尔玛和Affinity Credit Union的主要分支机构). They are open 9am-4pm Monday-Friday. For questions, call them at 866-258-6345.
  2. After your appointment, 请直接与爱玛客/ BSU书店合作完成您的招聘流程. 他们需要社会保障办公室在你申请SS号码时给你的收据.
  3. Once you receive your U.S. social security number/card, 请牢记号码:将卡保管好,不要随身携带. Read about identify theft.

Best wishes for a smooth process! Let us know if you have questions. Enjoy your new job!

Timesheets & Payment

您将以电子方式填写并提交您的考勤表供主管批准, once every two weeks. Ask your direct supervisor if you have questions.

发薪日是在下一周的星期五,在时间表到期之后. 我们强烈建议您将薪水直接存入个人银行账户.

The student wage rate currently starts at $12.50美元/小时(最低),并根据总工作小时数增加.


Student Employment Office
(218) 755-2859
Deputy 202